I'm that guy

This post was originally published on golifelog.com.

I went to sleep relatively late yesterday (1:30am today) because I binged the last 6 Episodes of the Fallout TV series. The plan was to sleep in today, but got cancelled by a phone call at 6:30am.

A good friend called (multiple times until my iPhone changed from mute to ringtone for him), and let me know he was in the hospital nearby and needed a ride home. I didn’t ask what happened or why he was calling me (besides a few friends, his family lives around three hours away), I simply responded “I’m getting dressed”.

I was there 10 minutes later or so.

Apparently he was walking home drunk (with another person), slipped over his feet and fell on the walkway edge. He could have been dead, but luckily (there is a saying “that drunk people always have luck” over here) only had a cut that needed to be stitched.

I got him in my car and drove him home. Only a handful level of people are on my list that can call anytime, he’s one of them. Sometimes you have to move mountains for people, and I’m the one who does it if necessary.

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