Back in the office

This Blog Post was originally published on the platform "writelier" (formerly "co-writers" and "200wordsaday"). Sadly the blogging platform was discontinued. I downloaded all my blog posts and prepared them to be republish them here.
"I'm back, back in the New York groove
Back in the New York groove, in the New York groove"
- New York Groove Ace Frehley

Thanks brain for that catchy tune.

Anyway, as written yesterday was the first day I was in the company headquarter again. It felt strange to be along with other people again.

After 49 days of quarantine, my brain got used to being alone. Now I have to talk to coworkers again. Not because we are in meetings constantly, but because they are sitting next to me. :)

Obviously the first day wasn't overly productive. It was also interesting to have lunch inside a restaurant without kitchen staff or waiters. Restaurants need to be closed at least until the 15th of May.

But our management had a special idea. Let the restaurant people work and deliver the food to us. So we still got lunch to eat, but as I said without any social interaction.

Although it is allowed to sit on a table together, the typical lunch talks aren't here yet. Maybe that will change over the next days when people get used to the new situation.

After next week I will have two weeks of home office again. The other half of the employees will be allowed to come to the office.

We live in strange times. :)

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