Time & Paramedic Duties

This post was originally published on golifelog.com.

Yesterday I saw a nice Cosplay video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaR4xM230ZQ by nerdforge) about the currently new Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 game.

It sparked the idea/motivation again to continue (well, start, to be honest) the Hell Divers 2 Cosplay I intended to craft for the upcoming Polaris Convention. But my afternoons are currently a bit tied up and weekends (partly) are occupied by paramedic duties.

I’m thinking about ditching the paramedic hobby again. I’ve been at this point several times this year. The thing is, I really enjoy those duties with friends, and I’m sure I would be missing them. But on the other side, that’s two Saturdays (if I’m doing 12h, if I’m doing 24h, Sunday is also “not useable”) a month that are not useable. Especially as those duties tend to get more and more exhausting.

I’ll keep those voluntary shifts for now, but if that thought of abandoning it comes up more often, I really have to rethink my priorities again.