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As I’ve written, I recently bought a rice cooker by the company Reishunger (rice hunger). Not because I needed one, but because I fell for influencer marketing again. I got the “best” one, which can also steam stuff and bake things.

Yesterday I thought I’ll try out the steaming function. It can be used stand alone, or while cooking rice. Since I wanted to have rice anyway, I put the rice in the bowl below and the zucchini, carrots, sweet pepper and chicken fillet into the steaming part.

I think it was done after about 30 minutes, but I got carried away in a game, so I checked in after about 45. Luckily, the cooker has a nice “keep heated” function.

What I now know is that I need so season stuff beforehand. But it still was a nice meal (well, two, potentially three) and soy sauce was good to season it after cooking. I think I might change most of my cooking to this style. It is easily prepped, doesn’t need my attention while cooking, and the variety of things I can steam is probably quite extensive.

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