
This Blog Post was originally published on the platform "writelier" (formerly "co-writers" and "200wordsaday"). Sadly the blogging platform was discontinued. I downloaded all my blog posts and prepared them to be republish them here.

I think I have been shaving my beard since at least 10 years. So yesterday I shaved my head for the first time.

Since a few years, I have been doing my hairstyle myself. I was only visiting my hairdresser every half year to correct the stuff around my ears and my neck.

Back then it all came down to a simple calculation: for two haircuts I could buy a brand new cutting machine. Considering going to the hairdresser at least every two months, you can calculate how much machines somebody could buy in a year.

In recent months I was thinking about getting rid completely of my "head hair". A coworker just shaved his head for the first time last week, so I asked him why he was doing it?

It turned out he has the same problem with ingrown hair as I have and he wanted to try if shaving it completely would help.

So I was looking at myself in the mirror yesterday and thought: "Well, you idiot, you're thinking about it constantly, just do it". And I did.

I expected that it would be harder than cutting my hair with the machine, but it turned out that shaving is evenly complicated. I survived the shaving with just a minor injury on one of my ears.

Interestingly I got a lot of compliments today. If it helps for the ingrown stuff, I'll probably keep it that way. We'll see.