First Man

This Blog Post was originally published on the platform "writelier" (formerly "co-writers" and "200wordsaday"). Sadly the blogging platform was discontinued. I downloaded all my blog posts and prepared them to be republish them here.

Recently I was watching a video of Adam Savage's Tested and he recommended the movie "First Man". I checked and luckily it was available on Prime Video. Obviously I had to take a look at it.

It is a combination of history and drama movie and shows the more "darker" side of the first moon landing. Obviously it was and is a great achievement for mankind but it did come at a cost.

I am not sure how much drama was added by the directors and producers, but many people died along the journey. Also, it looks like Neil Armstrongs life wasn't really easy either. I don't want to image how it is to see your friends die along a journey.

If you ask me, it is still one of the largest achievements of human history, and it "only" happened a few decades ago. I found it also really good that they added historical recordings to the movie, so you get high-quality new stuff recorded movie grade stuff and the original back-then high-quality recordings.

Although I'm sure you can find the whole journey that was broadcasted to probably everyone somewhere on the internet, I found it extraordinary that they added it to the movie. It just adds more realism to it.

If you think about it, it still feels strange to me that people were thousands of kilometres away from earth and returned. Sure we now know much about the moon, the stars and everything, but a few years back that wasn't the case.

So if you're looking for something to watch, I can definitely recommend it.