This Blog Post was originally published on the platform "writelier" (formerly "co-writers" and "200wordsaday"). Sadly the blogging platform was discontinued. I downloaded all my blog posts and prepared them to be republish them here.
Today I took the day off to do the last bureaucracy for the moving.
I am finally registered in the new Apartment. I returned the Keys of the old Apartment today, checked the mailbox once more, but there wasn't anything. Hopefully, the redirection works.
Tomorrow I will be back in the office to tell my boss and the accountant the new Address, so they can submit the update to the social insurance.
Finally, my double payment load (old and new Apartment) is over. My money situation should stabilize in the next months and I will be able to build a rainy day fund.
The next days I will have to sort out every box that is still laying around in the new Apartment, hopefully, I finish the unboxing by next weekend. It gets exhausting searching for everything in the boxes.
Still, it feels somehow strange to sleep, eat and live in the new Apartment, but I think that will change in the upcoming weeks.
At least, I am using the Balcony almost every day. Well, not yesterday, as it rained like crazy. The same as this morning.
Sure, the rain was long overdue and it cooled the environment, but it is also annoying.