Death while having fun

This Blog Post was originally published on the platform "writelier" (formerly "co-writers" and "200wordsaday"). Sadly the blogging platform was discontinued. I downloaded all my blog posts and prepared them to be republish them here.

It is time for another paramedic story. And once again, it probably isn't save for work, nor for children, just like the one I have written before (A thing where it doesn't belong?).

So if you are below the age of 18 (or 21 depending on the country) don't read on! Seriously, don't!

Now a few lines without content to separate the warning from the story.













If you have read this far, you better be old enough!

Like the other story, this story was told to me a few years ago (wow, it has been a long time now).

As far as they told me the mission-statement was as follows:

"Internal Silent ('Intern Still', basically circulatory collapse), 70 years male."

Sidenote: the story was told by one of our emergency doctor vehicle drivers. (The car with an emergency paramedic and an emergency doctor.)

They arrived quickly at a thermal bath nearby. Sadly there wasn't much more to do. Probably a heart attack in combination with a stroke or haemorrhage.

A 56-year-old female was also at the "accidents" side, probably the wife my colleagues figured at first. As it wasn't completely clear what happened, the police was called and arrived a few minutes later.

My colleagues cleaned up the room from our equipment, while the police officers were talking to the female.

Plot twist: :) The female wasn't the wife of the guy, so far no problem, there are many couples not married. But now comes the bad part, she is the girlfriend of the dead male. The wife, same age as the passed male, was still at home thinking he was on the cure for his back.

Besides that, the fact that the man was naked and the women only wearing a bra and a towel, one of my colleagues couldn't resist asking why both of them were naked, as it was mid of the day.

"We were just preparing to have sex, XY took one potency booster and now he's laying here".

Obviously, she started crying again.