Bon Jovi

This Blog Post was originally published on the platform "writelier" (formerly "co-writers" and "200wordsaday"). Sadly the blogging platform was discontinued. I downloaded all my blog posts and prepared them to be republish them here.

As written yesterday, here is the sum-up of yesterdays Bon Jovi concert in Vienna's Ernst Happel Stadium.

If you're interested in the setlist, you can view it here. A few pictures I have taken can be viewed here.

The Concert was set to be on the "This House is Not for Sale" Tour. Interestingly the setlist mainly was set on the old "classics" (It's my life, Runaway, Living on a Prayer).

The "mainstream media" (magazines and daily papers) had a general bad reporting on the concert. Many wrote that Jon isn't the best singer anymore and has problems hitting the tones.

Since I am not a professional audio technician, I am not sure what to respond to that. For me, it was one of the greatest concerts I have been to.

The songs were perfect, the setting was great, the mood was brilliant and they played all the songs where people could sing along. I think if you would ask people on the streets if they think Jon didn't hit the notes, I only think hardcore professional Bon Jovi listeners could tell.

It was a concert so the main sound is normally different from recordings anyway. Why is it sometimes hard for people to understand live isn't playback :)

For me, it was a great experience to see a band I wanted to see since I first heard them. I would totally come back for another concert if they're going to come to Austria again.