A plan for July

This post was originally published on golifelog.com.

I have been slacking with my freelance projects the last couple of months. With the new addition of the Cosplay project, I really need to redefine how I want to spend the rest of the year and what my priorities are.

I really need to get serious about stuff again. I neglected the tinyinventory.app project, and so I want to dedicate one hour of my day to it. One hour isn’t much, but knowing myself, if I put it at the end of my “workday”, it probably becomes more than an hour. I don’t want to move it as the first thing in the morning, as I know it would distract me too much from my main job as an employee. Doing one hour Monday to Friday brings 5 hours a week in.

To leverage that hour, I want, and need, to start my workday at 7:30 am. I know I can do it, I just need the motivation to do it. Maybe I’ll talk to my brother to ask if he would call me when he drives to work (around 7am). That way he won’t sleep in (happened ones or twice in the past), and I would have somebody keeping me accountable.

Another major time consumer will be the Cosplay. Now knowing how long things will take, I plan to leave work on Fridays early and get at least a few hours of work on it done. I can’t block off Saturdays, as there are normally two Paramedic Shifts and Sundays because I’m normally spending at least half a day at my parents for lunch. There are also some upcoming birthdays on weekends where I won’t be at home either.

Besides that, I have two weeks of paid time off at the end of July. Since I bought the whole month inside the Coworking space, my plan is to be working on TinyInventory at least on three or more days. The other free days will probably be used to work on the Cosplay. I think I should be able to make some major progress in those two weeks of time.

I’m going to add block time for those tasks mentioned above into my calendar. It most likely will feel overwhelming at first, but as soon as I can set myself on rails to reach goals, I will get things done. Let’s see how things turn out.

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