
This Blog Post was originally published on adagia.org.

So, my morning routine doesn't work. As I've written in the past, I've been working in homeoffice since September. I enjoy the new job, but my morning routine doesn't work out. My idea was to wake up at 6 am, eat breakfast, do some sports, shower and start to work by 8 am.

Besides the work start at around 8 am, nothing seems to be working the way I want it to. My alarm goes off at 6 am, and I manage to get out of bed between 7 an 8. The thing is, I'm going to sleep even earlier than in the past. Currently, I go to bed between 8 and 9 pm, although waking up at 6 am would allow uptime to 10 pm.

I don't think is the problem of less sleep, but solely the missing of my will to get up. My coworker won't be around before 9 to 10, so why should I be up earlier? If I managed to get out of bed by 06:01, I would be more motivated in the morning. Starting consistently at 8 am would also structure my day better. By 4 pm, I would be finished working and have a concrete lunchtime between 12 and 12:30 or 12:30 to 1 pm.

Maybe I also wouldn't forget to eat breakfast in the morning because that is a current problem, which I think is solely based on my not being disciplined enough with myself. As you also noticed, my writing streak suffered under this. It feels like I'm only living from day to day.

At least the quality of my sleep seems to be rather good.

Anyway, I know my problems, and as therealbrandonwilson wrote back on 200WAD "every day is January the first" (or something close to that). Let's start over again and try things out. Eventually, I will figure out a routine that will work for me.